Customer Reviews : ClearOptix Gaming Glasses - Small Aviator

Nice product for nighttime viewing and great price. - by ,
March 13, 2013
3.9 / 5stars

bought these glasses thinking I was going to end up wasting a few dollars but I had to see what all the fuss was about. I will admit when I used them in the daytime I didn't seem to like them that well, it looked like everything had a yellow tint to it and that was distracting to me. I tried them again a few nights later because I usually get headaches at night if I play XBOX, watch TV or work on the computer. I am a computer/network technician so I am doing remote logins a lot at night. I figured I would try these on and give COD: BO2 a shot on the XBOX 360. I was quick to notice the yellow tint had seemed to disappear while I was playing the game. I am not sure if it was just my eyes adjusting or because there was not as much natural light in the house as there would be during the daytime. I also noticed there seemed to be no burning in my eyes and no eye strain from the night time viewing. This low priced product has virtually done away with my headaches and now I no longer need medicine to control what could sometimes become a migraine. Before someone mentions that I may have had to much or to little light in the room causing the headaches I will let you know I tried all kinds of configurations. It just seems my eyes are more sensitive at night and can cause this issue, I have noticed it at other people's houses and movie theaters. It is just part of life and I deal with it but these glasses have helped tremendously.

Wodneful Product..! Like it. - by ,
March 24, 2013
4.6 / 5stars

You'll look like you drive a beat up windowless van and the frames will bend if you breath on them wrong but these glasses do help reduce eye strain over prolonged gaming sessions. I game in chunks. Usually wont touch a game for days and then on a day off will sit down for several hours in a clip. Because of this my eyes get sore and bloodshot. Wearing these glasses helps save me the strain and I can get in a 4-5 hour session with no bloodshot. Sure you can buy the expensive ones and I may do that later on but these are great for now just dont let your friends see you wear them.

I like it, Worth for money - by ,
Feb 15, 2013
3.9 / 5stars

I bought it for my son and He says It's fabulous..! It has increased my electricity bill drastically..! :P Because previously when he play for hours and then his headaches starts and he shuts it off. But now, when his eyes get strain he wear these glasses. This is a wonderful product. Nice.